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Do you have 6-12 hours a month to help a child in need?  That's all it takes to help break the cycle of abuse.  Read more below.

Help Us Serve Every Child


CASA of the Ninth Judicial District serves juvenile courts in Loudon, Morgan, and Roane Counties. In the year ending June 30, 41 CASA volunteers served 147 children in those three counties. Yet, some children referred by the court went without a CASA because of the shortage of volunteers.

 CASA is a nationwide concept, implemented locally. Members of the community give of their time and energy to advocate for local children caught in a web of abuse and neglect and the aftermath. These Court Appointed Special Advocates are, in turn, trained and supported by a professional organization that is locally governed and funded in large part by locally-generated funds.

You can help move our communities move toward the goal of “seeing that every child in the juvenile court system has an advocate on their side.”




CASA of the Ninth Judicial District is a locally chartered and governed not-for-profit agency, serving abused and neglected children in the juvenile courts of Loudon, Morgan, and Roane counties, all in the Ninth Judicial District of Tennessee. We are a member of the National CASA Association and the Tennessee CASA Association, adhering to national and state program & training standards. At the same time, we are a stand-alone organization responsible for its own funding and management, governed by a volunteer board with leaders from each of the three counties.


All donations are tax deductible! We depend on your generosity - to change the lives of abused and neglected children! Please help - DONATE TODAY!  Please mail your donation to:


CASA of the Ninth Judicial District
PO Box 541
Kingston, TN 37763




Being a Court Appointed Special Advocate is special work – very challenging, exceptionally rewarding. Each volunteer advocate is trained and empowered to fight for the child’s right to thrive in the safe embrace of a loving home. Effective volunteer advocates come from all circumstances and walks of life. To explore whether this special work is right for you, contact us or complete the online application form and we will contact you.


Get Involved


Would you like to help with our special events, such as the Winter Blast or the Run for the Child? It takes many hands to make these events successful. Here are some ways that you may be able to support our CASA or GAL program


  • Staff the registration or hospitality desk.

  • Serve snacks. 

  • Publicize. Sell tickets. Solicit prizes or sponsorships.

  • Invite us to speak before your group or organization.

  • Let us post recruitment and publicity flyers at your place of business. :

  • Write/layout/edit/publication/distribution of the program's newsletter

  • Design a website, or maintain current information on a program website

  • Recruit volunteers: staff tables at events, talk to friends

  • Hang CASA posters in your community

  • Provide data entry on a regular basis

  • Invite CASA staff to present a program to your community or civic group, recruit volunteers, request a donation, etc.

  • Get CASA information out in your workplace via e-newsletter, posters, brochures in pay envelopes, etc.

  • Organize a fundraiser or contact businesses for in-kind donations such as food, prizes in connection with a special event or for volunteer recognition, office supplies, etc.

  • Present an in-service training workshop on a topic about which you have professional expertise

  • Make your home, workplace or other facility available to the CASA program for training, volunteer recognition, special events, etc.

  • Serve on governing boards or advisory councils or their committees




Contact us and let’s explore how you can Get Involved!


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