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Boys and Girls Club of Roane County

Harriman Middle School (former gym)

1025 Cumberland Street

Harriman, TN 37748



Youth Villages

(Intensive In-Home Services for Families –Helping Families Stay Together)

911 Cross Park Drive, Suite E475

Knoxville, TN

Office: 865-560-2560

Cell: 865-548-4404


Ridgeview Behavior Health Services
(Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Outpatient Therapy & Medicine Management, in-home services)   307 Devonia Street
Harriman, TN 37748

Child and Family Therapy Center
1000 Bradford Way Bldg 4
Brentwood Landing
Kingston, TN 37763
Business: 423-376-6354


Youth Villages Mobile Specialized Crisis Services

(Instant assistance for a child expressing suicidal or homicidal thoughts, a child experiencing severe depression, child exhibiting bizarre behaviors and other serious issues.)

Main #:  866-791-9224

Rebecca Lehmicke, Program Supervisor



Relative Caregivers

(Help for caregivers raising relative’s children; support group)

Andrea McBryar - Family Advocate

1324 Lawnville Rd, Kingston, TN  37763



Coalfield Medical Clinic

515 Rockbridge Road

Oliver Springs, TN 37840865-435-3650

Roane County Department Children's Services

795 Larry Byrd Rd.

Kingston, TN 37763

(865) 376-3423


Roane County Human Services

(Families First Assistance, Tenn Care assistance, emergency financial assistance, food stamps)
1086 N Gateway Ave

Rockwood, TN 37854

(865) 376-5627


Family Resource Center

Information and Referral to Community Resources
Network to provide families with needed services
Provide assistance with applications
Assistance and referrals for families experiencing homelessness
Assistance with Food 4 Kids Program
Assistance with emergent food needs
Clothing and school supply closet
Parenting classes
Budgeting education for families

Contact Information
Nancy Chrisman, Director
865-882-3700 ext 1908 (office)
865-323-6228 (cell)



Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network

800-273-TALK (8255)


Kid Central Tennessee

(Information on health, education, development, support and Tennessee Family Services)


Free Medical Clinic of Oak Ridge

116E. Division Rd.

Oak Ridge, TN



Roane County Health Department

(Pre-natal and child care, vital records, family planning, WIC, speech and hearing services, immunizations)
1362 N Gateway Ave

Rockwood, TN 37854

(865) 354-1220

Roane County ETHRA

Public Transit

Workforce Development

Supplement Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP)

117 N. Third St.

Kingston, TN 37763
Phone: (865) 376-3319


Hands of Mercy Enterprises

(food pantry)

147 Court Street
Kingston, Tennessee 37763
Phone: (865) 717-9885


Camelot of East TN

(Intensive home-based counseling, outpatient counseling, case management, substance abuse, family preservation services, foster care)

Janet Davis, VP

311 Directors Drive

Knoxville, TN 37923

Business: (865) 481-3972

Foster Care: (800) 390-6144



Tennessee Early Intervention System (T.E.I.S.)

(In-home evaluation and educational program for families with children birth through age two with disabilities or developmental delays.)

1-800-852-7157 with “Referral” as subject


Mid-East Head Start Administrative Office                                  

315 E. Race Street

Kingston, TN 37854



Avalon Center 
(Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Program, child sexual abuse counseling)

Office:  931-456-0747

24 Hour Crisis Line: 1- 800-641-3434

Katelynn Davenport, Roane County Advocate

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