Ensuring the Healthy Development of Foster Children (A guide for Judges, Advocates and Child Welfare Professionals. (5 copies)
Our Children (Child Sexual Abuse: A resource Guide to help children, parents and professionals) (8 copies +one copy in Spanish)
Red, White and Bruises (Spanking in the U.S.A. What to do instead.)
When Violence Hits Home (A resource handbook on domestic violence for survivors, friends, and the community to help stop the violence.)
Methamphetamine (Big Time Drug in Small Town America)
Acquaintance Rape: A Resource Guide for Teens, Parents, and Professionals
The Crime Survivor’s Guide( A resource book on the Criminal Justice System, State of Tennessee)
“He Told Me Not to Tell”( A Parent’s Guide for Talking to Your Child About Sexual Assault (2 copies)
Guide to the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
Burn Injuries in Child Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice
Diagnostic Imaging of Child Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice
Battered Child Syndrome: Investigating Physical Abuse and Homicide, U.S. Department of Justice
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Child Sexual Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice
Law Enforcement Response to Child Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice
Use of Computers in the Sexual Exploitation of Children, U.S. Department of Justice
Photo-documentation in the Investigation of Child Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice
Criminal Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse, U.S. Department of Justice
Understanding and Investigating Child Sexual Exploitation, U.S. Department of JusDVD’